定期保険 《保険期間が有限の死亡保険の英語
死亡保険: 1. assurance payable at death 2. insurance against death 3. insurance payable at death 4. life insurance against death 5. mortality insurance 6. mortality life insurance
死亡保険金: 1. death benefit 2. death payout 3. sum payable at death
保険期間: 1. duration of insurance 2. duration of risk 3. insurance term 4. period covered 5. period of insurance 6. policy term 7. term insured 8. term of insurance 9. time of insurance
再保険期間: period of reinsurance
定期保険: 定期保険 ていきほけん term insurance
生命保険期間: life insurance week
団体定期保険: group term insurance
延長定期保険: 1. continued insurance 2. extended assurance 3. extended term insurance
継続定期保険: renewal term insurance
逓増定期保険: increasing term life insurance
逓減定期保険: 1. decreasing term insurance 2. decreasing term life insurance
普通死亡保険金: common death insurance amount
死亡保険金請求: death claims
災害死亡保険金: accidental death benefit〔 【略】 ADB〕
死亡保険金の前払い: accelerated benefits